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Marina Port Vell

Public spaces     |     City: Barcelona, Spain    |     Designed by: Kriskadecor

The creative team at Kriskadecor has designed Barlovento, an immersive experience inspired by the sea, created with anodised aluminium chains to welcome residents and visitors to Marina Port Vell in Barcelona during the 37th America’s Cup.

Comprising of 196,980 meticulously assembled chain links, the installation creates undulating veils with a subtle gradient of colours, evoking the white wake left by boats as they sail. Silver triangular shapes emerge like sails among the waves, capturing the excitement of regattas. The aluminium chains offer an iconic entrance and a dynamic visual experience with their movement and the play of colours shifting with the changing light.

To faithfully capture the maritime tones and movements characteristic of a sailing event, five colours from Kriskadecor's standard palette have been used in the creation of this project. Satin cobalt was chosen to represent the waves of the sea, satin silver for the sails, and a combination of brilliant silver with subtle touches of turquoise and emerald to evoke the white wake left by boats.

Additionally, as a heartfelt tribute to the past, an enthusiastic "HOLA" is woven into the curtains, echoing the iconic greeting with which Barcelona welcomed the world during the 1992 Olympic Games.

Finally, to achieve the effect of undulating movement in the chains, a ringed solution has been incorporated at their lower end, allowing them to sway in unison with the gentle breeze of the Barcelona coast.

Solutions that are offered to the customer:


Marcela Grassi