Coneix les últimes novetats sobre la nostra empresa, els esdeveniments als quals acudim i els dissenys que duem a terme amb les nostres petites baules d'alumini anoditzat.
Publicat el 15-11-2024 | Reconeixements i premis
Ens complau anunciar que el nostre sistema Feel Free, dissenyat per estudi{H}ac-JMFerrero, ha estat reconegut amb un premi als prestigiosos Archiproducts Design Awards 2024 en la categoria Contract.
Publicat el 27-06-2022 | Innovació
La innovació pot definir-se com un procés en el qual s'implementa una cosa nova que afegeix valor.
Publicat el 22-06-2022 | Novetats i llançaments
El concurs musical de TV3, que ha estat un èxit tant a la televisió com a les xarxes socials, ha comptat amb un attrezzo d'excepció.
Publicat el 26-05-2022 | Innovació
Tots els nostres projectes neixen a partir d'un element mínim i “indissoluble”: la nostra baula d'alumini. A partir d'aquí, tot és possible: colors, formes, volums, contrastos… Cada baula permet explorar la creativitat en les 3 dimensions per a sorprendre els sentits.
Publicat el 29-04-2022 | Innovation
Weaving is a craft that dates to ancient times. In pre-Columbian times, these pieces were made for multiple purposes: clothing, offerings, tribute, exchanges (their value was the same as that of gold), etc. The pieces obtained were full of meaning and art that embodied culture and language.
Publicat el 26-04-2022 | Fairs and events
Kriskadecor will be one of the 2,000 exhibitors at the 60th edition of Salone del Mobile. From 7 to 12 June, you will find us both at the fair and at the exhibition "INSPIRED IN BARCELONA: a gathering place" of Barcelona Centre de Disseny in Fuorisalone.
Publicat el 28-03-2022 | Innovation
Our curtains are a blank canvas for interior designers and architects. We have incorporated numerous innovation processes throughout our history.
Publicat el 21-02-2022 | Innovation
Architectural form is the point of contact between mass and space. Architectural forms, textures, materials, modulation of light and shadow, colour, all combine to infuse quality or spirit into our space.
Publicat el 04-02-2022 | Innovation
Kriskadecor has been a beneficiary of the European Regional Development Fund whose objective is to promote research, technological development and innovation, and thanks to which it has developed a project for a new design and change of corporate image to support the creation and consolidation...
Publicat el 21-12-2021 | RSC
The Montblanc - Móra la Nova crossing, a solidarity project that began in 2020 because of the pandemic, will be held again on 19 February. The initiative, led by ultra-trail runner Joan Roig Palau, aims to raise funds for the AFANOC Association for Children with Cancer.
Publicat el 16-12-2021 | Innovation
Aluminium, our main raw material, is a lightweight, strong, and durable material. It is safe, does not burn or give off toxic fumes and is highly resistant to corrosion. It is also highly light-reflective and can take infinite shapes to suit all types of design applications.