Coneix les últimes novetats sobre la nostra empresa, els esdeveniments als quals acudim i els dissenys que duem a terme amb les nostres petites baules d'alumini anoditzat.
Publicat el 15-11-2024 | Reconeixements i premis
Ens complau anunciar que el nostre sistema Feel Free, dissenyat per estudi{H}ac-JMFerrero, ha estat reconegut amb un premi als prestigiosos Archiproducts Design Awards 2024 en la categoria Contract.
Publicat el 09-11-2021 | RSC
On 21 November, the 6th Women's Race will take place in the streets and paths of Montblanc, Tarragona. Organised by the Club Atlètic Montblanc, with the support of Adomont.
Publicat el 08-11-2021 | Innovation
Colours are an essential part of any design. They help us define the personality of our work and allow our emotions and messages to reach the public. At Kriskadecor, we achieve the colouring of the chain through an artisan process to guarantee the optimal finish for your projects.
Publicat el 23-09-2021 | Innovation
THE WELFARE OF PEOPLE. A subject that should be mandatory in the briefing of any architecture and interior design project and of which we seem to be more and more aware.
Publicat el 06-07-2021 | News and releases
After a year and a half of intense work and given the relevance and beauty of the Casa Batlló project, we wanted to capture in a video the immersive experience represented by the intervention of the architect Kengo Kuma, in which our aluminium chains stand out. Press Play!
Publicat el 03-06-2021 | Recognitions and awards
After receiving a 2020 Bronze Delta in the “Interior Equipment” category, Gradient Collection by Luis Eslava is part of the 10th edition of “...
Publicat el 13-05-2021 | News and releases
After a long remodelling period, Casa Batlló reopens its doors to present Casa Batlló 10D Experience, the new one hundred percent immersive visit, which is ground-breaking and unique worldwide.
Publicat el 12-05-2021 | Fairs and events
#CASADECORSOSTENIBLE opens its doors from May 13 to June 27 at “La Casa de Tomás Allende”, located at Plaza de Canalejas 3, Madrid. In this new edition, you can find us in three spaces: the restaurant on the ground floor, the office on the second floor and on the terrace on the sixth floor.
Publicat el 29-03-2021 | RSC
This time we have done it through the Montblanc-Móra la Nova solidarity race, organized by Joan Roig Palau, which took place on March 27 and which has raised more than € 6,500.
Publicat el 13-01-2021 | Messen und Veranstaltungen
Kriskadecor - Jose Ma Sans Amill SA has been a beneficiary of the European Regional Development Fund whose objective is to improve the competitiveness of SMEs and thanks to which it has launched an International Digital Marketing Plan with the aim of improving its online positioning in foreign...
Publicat el 26-11-2020 | Recognitions and awards
Luis Eslava's pattern collection adds new recognition by achieving a Delta de Bronce 2020 for being a finalist in the “Interior Equipment” category.